
Showing posts from July, 2017

3 Common Problems with App Development (and How to Easily Fix Them with Joget v6)

In recent times, enterprise application development has advanced greatly with the introduction of new technologies and techniques like the no-code/low-code dev approach, but that doesn't mean it's completely without some challenges. In fact, the wave of innovation that's going across the development market has brought with it new challenges that both professional developers and business users are coming across on a regular basis. Today, we want to discuss three of the most commonly encountered problems in the app development process and how Joget v6 can help you fix them effortlessly. 1. LACK OF “PRE-RELEASE” REVIEW AND TESTING One of the main causes of application failure/error is lack of pre-release review, or testing; it's a major threat to successful enterprise application development. Being one of the most fundamental stages of the development process , testing is necessary for discovering bugs and receiving feedback from users. It ensures that the

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