
Showing posts from February, 2011

Coming to Palm Desert for DEMO Spring

One of the latest community initiatives that we have recently committed to, is keeping up a blog that reflects the " what's going on " aspect of Joget Workflow team. So, aside from the great software that we are developing, you would also be able to understand the vibrant and interesting personalities behind the Joget Workflow project. Well, I'm now in a lovely quaint town surrounded by San Francisco Bay Area - Sausalito , in a house facing the yacht harbor. While I was taking my warm shower just now, the ideas of writing this post came to my mind -- what an inspiration cultivating place, isn't it? It has been raining almost non-stop today in San Francisco. According to weather forecast, there's a chance of snowfall in San Francisco downtown at sea level, for the first time since 1976! But, we are driving down to Palm Desert tomorrow afternoon, I may miss the century snowfall. Joget Workflow Coming to Town You better watch out You better not cry Be...

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