
Showing posts from November, 2011

International Recognition at APICTA Awards 2011

Last month, we broke the news that Joget Workflow has bagged 2 awards at MSC Malaysia APICTA, and that has brought us a passport to compete at the international stage - the 11th International APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance) Awards, held in Pattaya on 11.11.11. Julian (the technology master brain of Joget) and I were in Pattaya early this month, together with nominees from other Asia Pacific economies, to compete for the "Best of Tools and Infrastructure Application" category. Of all the participating economies, I'm personally very impressed with the team from Pakistan  -- a lot of efforts they have put in at the international stage. Kudos to their dedicated mentors, who were there in Pattaya together with the nominees, to really contribute their mentorship ( not just merely for the fun of travelling ). The first 5 minutes of my pitch for the "Best of Tools and Infrastructure Application" session didn't went on smoothly - the projector decided not t...

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