
Showing posts from August, 2015

Enterprise App Store and Form Signatures

There’s a new beta release (v5.0 Beta 11) for Joget Workflow v5 with a couple of interesting new features. Seamless App Installation from the Joget Marketplace Firstly, the App Center now offers seamless integration with the Joget Marketplace so apps can be installed at the click of a button. This allows administrators to easily browse and import apps, in line with the vision of being a full-fledged Enterprise App Store. As usual, the apps can be used immediately, or customized further to fit any unique requirements. New Form Signature A new signature form element is now available to capture a user's signature. We’ve received many requests from customers, partners and the community for this feature, so this allows users to draw a signature using a mouse or touch screen. The final release of Joget Workflow v5 is coming very soon, as we incorporate all the great feedback from the beta testers. In the meantime, check out all the features and download the v5 Beta at

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