
Showing posts from August, 2019

Introducing the Joget Operator for Red Hat OpenShift: Low Code App Deployment Made Easy

As an open source no-code/low-code platform to visually build enterprise web apps for coders and non-coders, Joget is a natural fit for modern cloud infrastructure technologies especially Kubernetes. The Joget Operator has been released to further simplify and accelerate app development on Red Hat OpenShift . It has achieved Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification , and is now available in the OpenShift Embedded OperatorHub. The Joget Operator helps to automate the deployment of Joget within minutes, so that you can focus on rapidly delivering applications instead of worrying about infrastructure issues. Kubernetes? OpenShift? Operator? If you are not familiar with these terms, fret not as these will be explained next. Introduction to Kubernetes, OpenShift and Operators       Containers, Kubernetes and OpenShift In a previous article Kubernetes: What the Hype is All About , we had introduced containers and Kubernetes. To recap: Containers are a way of pa...

3 Ways to Get Started on Your Digital Transformation Journey with Joget

Why Low-Code Platforms for Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is the use of digital technologies to transform the way your business works in order to compete in a fast changing world. Speed is essential, because if you do not innovate fast enough you will fall behind your competitors and risk becoming obsolete. The world now revolves around software and apps. Can packaged or hosted software meet your needs? Is your business the same as everyone else’s? Of course not, so this means that you will likely need software customized to your needs. Continuous change is also essential to keep adapting to changing market conditions. This means you need some scale of app development. With the inherent technical challenges in app development and lack of available technical resources, how is this possible? This is where no-code/low-code platforms come in. These platforms provide rapid app development, deployment and management to accelerate your app development in order to supp...

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