
Showing posts from October, 2011

Open Dynamics Bags Two Awards at MSC Malaysia APICTA 2011

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – (25 Oct 2011): MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards returned for its 12th annual iteration on 25th October 2011 at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton. The Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) is an international Awards Programme initiated by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) to provide a platform for innovators and entrepreneurs in the ICT sectors in the region to benchmark their products and to network. Students, entrepreneurs, SMEs, individuals and organizations compete in 18 categories showcasing their creativity, innovation and ICT excellence in the country. Open Dynamics was selected as the Winner of Best of Startup Companies Category and its product, Joget Workflow, bagged the Merit award for Best of Applications and Infrastructure Tools. In spite of an incredibly intense competition among the nominees, Open Dynamics displayed the right industry caliber to be recognized for its achievements and contributions in the two categories. Open Dynamics is one of the very few...

Joget On The Cloud

It's a rainy evening in Kuala Lumpur. I was driving in the bumper-to-bumper traffic, and that traffic condition gave me some opportunities to catch up with tweets instead. Scott Francis' update caught my attention, he posted an article inspired by Activiti's Tom Baeyens' blog post ; basically, it's about BPM on the cloud . Tom Baeyens in the opening of his post: “The first thing we realized is that on the cloud, a requirement is self-service by professional consumers. This means that end users should be able to manage the apps they use .” “Immediately it became clear that hosting traditional BPM engine on the cloud is a big technical challenge with a relative low value for professional consumers.” Spot on! We have received numerous email requests from Joget Workflow users, asking about the availability of "switch-on-and-it-runs" hosted instances of Joget. And this request is getting more significantly relevant lately, when the v3 Beta is rol...

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