
Showing posts from April, 2017

What Enterprise Apps Can You Create with Joget Workflow? Here's a List of Ideas

TL;DR  Some of the types of apps you can create using Joget Workflow include business process/workflow, scheduling/bookings, collaboration, request, tracking, management, submission, approval, information/notification, analytics, security, and financial applications. It's the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the market demand for enterprise applications is skyrocketing. Technology costs are going down and organizations are realizing the importance of offering their employees the freedom to choose the devices and apps they want to work with. Gone are the days when workers had to sit all day in front of a traditional desktop computer. They now prefer a smart approach to work and enterprise applications are at the center of it all. Gartner even predicts that by the end of 2017, the market demand for this type of apps will grow at least five times more than IT teams’ ability to deliver them. But here's the long and short of it: Despite this uptrend in ent...

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