
Showing posts from April, 2018

Joget Workflow Form Builder - More than Just Workflow

Over the years, we have received many requests from our customers and community on how to improve their applications built on top of our low-code/no-code platform, Joget Workflow. Ironically, the most requested feature is not actually about workflow. It is about the form. Evidently, as what we can see in our community , the most discussed feature is actually about forms. Process-related questions surprisingly comes in at a distant sixth place. With our recent release of Joget Workflow v6, we have added even more form related elements. The default build is now bundled with more than 30 form input elements. New form elements are being developed all the time. In order to meet our customers’ demand, new plugins are being introduced into Joget Marketplace . Check out one of our latest videos on how to make use of Joget Workflow to build a full fledged meeting room booking app, where the form builder plays an important role in integrating everything together. ...

3 Reasons to Further Modernize ERP Systems with Process Digitization

In manufacturing, distribution and trading industries, an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is undoubtedly a core and impactful system to have in place. ERP systems have been modernizing these industries for decades before the terms "digital transformation" and "digitization" were made popular. Today, as the workforce is generally getting more IT-literate and mobile-ready across most job functions, ERP systems alone are no longer the magic wand to modernize IT in manufacturing, distribution and trading businesses. More gaps are surfacing itself from ERP digitization needs. 1. Control the process/SOP that occurs before data goes into ERP software In many companies (even the global MNCs), the process that governs how data is approved before it goes into ERP is not automated. Take a simple example - Customer Master Data Change Request. Let's say a sales manager files a request to adjust credit term for a customer account. Yes, surely, the cr...

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