
Showing posts from May, 2018

Case Study - One to Many Grid Form Design on Joget Workflow Form Builder

This post is a follow up from an earlier posting of Joget Workflow Form Builder - More than Just Workflow , in our quest to explore different kinds of form designs. Technical aspects discussed in this posting requires slight elevation of technical know-how, such as database table design and ERD (entity relationship diagram). In this case study, we shall use the default Expenses Claims App that comes bundled by default with every Joget Workflow installation, so that this article can double as a how-to guide for everyone to try it out. Let’s begin! When submitting a new claim, there’s a spreadsheet element to facilitate the entry of claim items. The spreadsheet element is a grid element where it establishes a one-to-many entity relationship between the claim and claim entry entities. Through the use of “Multirow Form Binder”, the claim form would be able to save the multirow data of spreadsheet into the “Expense Claim Entry” form table. “claim” is the foreign ke...

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