Security in Low-Code Applications: Cybersecurity Features and Best Practices for the Joget Open Source Platform

Introduction to Security Benefits and Risks in Low-Code Platforms As digitalization becomes increasingly prevalent, low-code platforms are rapidly gaining adoption across industries. Employing visual techniques to programming, they enable the development and delivery of applications in a fraction of the time required by traditional coding. According to Forrester’s Now Tech: General-Purpose Low-Code Development Platforms, Q1 2021 , low-code platforms are “vital to digital business” and “proven in even the most mission-critical use cases”. However, the proliferation of apps and digital solutions bring with it increased cybersecurity risks like phishing attempts and ransomware attacks. As the SolarWinds hack in 2020 and Microsoft Exchange hack in 2021 demonstrated, the cost of security lapses can be monumental. Security considerations are therefore paramount, so how would they apply to low-code platforms? Source: Don’t Ignore Security In Low-Code Development, Forrester Research Inc...