Superapps in the Enterprise: Up, Up and Away!
“We think these applications are so compelling that we don’t just call them apps, we call them super apps… Super apps are applications that once you start using them, you’ll wonder just how you lived without them” - BlackBerry founder Mike Lazaridis. What is a Superapp? In the early days of the smartphone revolution, BlackBerry founder Mike Lazaridis first coined the term “super app” (or “superapp”) in a MWC 2010 keynote speech . He defined them as “a closed ecosystem of many apps that people would use every day because they offer such a seamless, integrated, contextualized and efficient experience.” According to Gartner®, “a superapp is like a Swiss army knife with a range of component tools (miniapps) that the user can use and remove as needed”. We consider superapps to be a single platform where miniapps are integrated, thus providing a seamless experience to its users. Here are some statistics and predictions from 2022 Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2...