The Future of App Development: Touch to Build?

The Present

How does software get built today? The image of software engineers hunkering down over their computers is a familiar sight and is representative of how things work today. Building software and apps is the domain of experienced computer programmers and coders, of which there is a real shortage. This global phenomenon (check out a finding from the European Commission, for example) is not new, and will only get worse.

The Future

Now, imagine a future where non-coders are able to build and maintain apps. It may sound far-fetched and impractical now, but this is where we believe the world is heading. With the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, IT literacy and competency are rapidly increasing all over the world. With the emergence and growth of low-code platforms, and the feedback from the Joget Workflow community, the trends point towards a future where more and more people are becoming creators, not just consumers of software.

At Joget, our vision is a business world where apps can be built and managed anytime, anywhere. But just as how smartphones revolutionized photography for the average person as opposed to professional photographers, software development professionals will still play a big role at a deeper level. However, the time is ripe for everyone to be able to create software when required. Imagine someone walking around with an iPad to build apps anytime, anywhere. Dragging some elements here, dropping some stuff there, everyone is empowered to create.

Well, “touch to build” is arriving in the upcoming Joget Workflow v6. Watch this space for updates!


  1. Looking forward to the touch improvements in Joget v6!
    Currently I use a Surface Pro and the interface already works great - especially compared to other solutions!


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