
Showing posts from January, 2011

Which Marketing Leaflets Made It?

Since the roll-out of Joget Workflow, we’ve had 3 different leaflet designs. Let’s look back at how they’ve evolved and what we’ve done to improve them. "Don’t just do it. Joget it." was our first tagline. The concept was to deliver a 'new-born baby' message that attempted to sum up what Joget Workflow can do. Designed in a 3-panel A4-size layout, the first half of the tagline, "Don’t just do it.", graced the cover. Looking back now, we probably need to ask ourselves, "hmm... do what?" I think we really missed that spot. When the panels are opened, the second half of the tagline, "Joget it.", greets the eyes of readers. But then again, "Joget what?", we ask. Business processes, that is; although one only realizes this after reading the description byline under it. After a while, we realized that we needed to emphasize Joget Workflow’s core business model. "Automate your processes" or "Do more, code l...

Welcome to The Jogetian Blog

Yup, that's what we call ourselves, The Jogetians! Its been a year and then some, but we have come a long way since the initial conception of Joget Workflow as an Open Source project back in 2009. Check out the following infographics that showed our major milestones and achievements... we are quite proud of them... LOL. One of the many activities planned for this year is the creation of this blog. We have decided to get all the Jogetians to post on the blog at least once a week. The topics will cover latest Joget Workflow news, product features, how-tos, design and many more... For 2011, there are a lot of exciting events planned. Here are just some of them... :-) Watch out for Joget Workflow Version 3.0, which is scheduled to be released this summer. Lots of cool new features and super easy user interface to make it even more easier to build your own process-driven web application. If you are in Palm Desert, California, around end February and beginning March, chec...

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