We Came, We Saw, We Hacked

It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon in the Bay Area. Spring was finally here (well actually in the Bay Area, spring comes and goes when it feels like it. Kinda like a case of relatives you don't really like coming over when you least expect it) but in this case, spring was actually here. Not a cloud in the sky, warm weather, nice cool breeze and the occasional concussion when you get in the way of someone playing fetch with their dog. Given the setting, I was honestly a little apprehensive approaching our hackathon in Stanford. It just seemed like a day that was usually spent on the sand with a beach ball and not a lot of clothes. Considering that we're entering a community of mostly students, I fully expected to step into the venue with a bare handful of attendees plonked in the middle of a bunch of snoring frat guys hung over from the night before. In any case, pushing those thoughts aside, the first thing I did was.... ...get lost. Seriously. They either change the ...