Integrate Joget Workflow with Gmail, Google Docs and Google Calendar

Joget Workflow developers are committing full force into the development of Joget Workflow v3.0, with the vision of building a full-fledge workflow application builder that will redefine simplicity in software development.

However, at the same time, our team is also committing enthusiasm into community engagement, to promote Joget Workflow into other strong geeky Web developer communities, by bringing down the barrier for Joget Workflow adoption.

Within less than 2 months, we have released a set of plugins for WordPress integration, Drupal integration, and now ... Google Apps integration!

  1. Google Mail (Gmail) Plugin: send email messages within a process via Gmail's SMTP server
  2. Google Calendar Plugin: create or schedule Google Calendar event within a process
  3. Google Docs Plugin: upload documents to Google Docs within a process

Thanks to the plugin-driven architecture that is powering Joget Workflow, it is so much easier for us to develop integration points with other systems and user directory servers. And at the same time, easy for Web developers of any platform background to roll up your sleeves, and get straight to the job.

So now, it is entirely possible to design and automate a process that looks like this:

Start using them, and let us know your feedbacks. If anyone is keen to further enhance on these plugins and make them better, or create new plugins integrating to other Google technologies, please raise your hand ;) We shall get in touch.


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