Joget Workflow v3.1 is Released

We are pleased to announce that Joget Workflow v3.1 stable release is now available for public download! You can download it here.

So, what's new in v3.1 Enterprise? The primary focus of the v3.1 release is a cleaner, more streamlined user interface along with enhanced form and reporting features.

New Streamlined Design
New in this release is a beautiful userview theme for end-users called Bootstrap, which is based on the popular front-end toolkit Twitter Bootstrap.

Bootstrap Theme

Also included is another shiny new userview theme called Corporati, and a new bundled sample app for an Employee Self Service portal.

New Corporati Userview Theme

The web console UI for building and monitoring apps has been given a face-lift to sport a cleaner, more streamlined look with more usable space.

Streamlined Web Console

Enhanced Form, List and Userview Features

There are many new enhancements to forms, including support for having multiple pages in a form. There are also new form fields to cater to more diverse needs, such as a Popup Select Box and a List Grid (which can be used to select items from a list) as well as an Image Upload field.

New features in data lists and userviews include the ability to add date range filters, and a new Universal Inbox that consolidates all tasks from any app for each user.

Enhanced Reporting through Integration with JasperReports

In addition to using data lists for tabular reports, it is now possible to support more complex reporting requirements through integration with the popular open source reporting platform JasperReports. By using JasperReports report definitions, sophisticated reports with custom layouts and graphs can be generated and viewed directly within a userview with optional export to PDF and Excel.

JasperReports Integration

Enhanced Security Features

Security in forms has been enhanced to allow for form level and section level permissions. This allows for more fine-grained control over the form data for different users.

Better Multi-Language Support

There is improved support for multiple languages by allowing language selection by user. Each user can select his or her preferred language, so this allows for better accessibility in global deployments.


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