Build Database Driven and Workflow Apps with Joget Cloud (Beta)

Starting today, we are launching Joget Cloud (Beta) for public trials and testing. If you are a developer, you may want to sign-up for a trial account now... :-)

joget paas

Build Database Driven Apps and Add Workflow

Joget PAAS capabilities allow you to quickly create and build database driven apps without programming. If you need to automate your processes, go ahead and add workflows to your apps.

If you know programming, you can easily take your apps to the next level. Check out our knowledge base for more information on how to enhance the apps. Btw, in the upcoming v4, all Apps you create are mobile ready. You can check out what's coming up in v4 here.

Ready Made Apps

Joget Cloud comes with ready made business apps that are free to use and modify. You can use them for your business or if you want, customize and enhance these ready made apps to suit your needs.

You can quickly get started with the Simple CRM app to track your leads, opportunities and customers. No more need for word processors and spreadsheets when issuing and managing your invoices or quotations.

Some of the ready made Business Apps are:
  • Employee Portal
  • Internal Service Request
  • Purchase Requisition
  • HR Expenses Claims
  • Simple Document Repository
  • Simple CRM
  • Simple Quotation
  • Simple Invoicing
All Joget Apps provided on Joget Cloud are free of charge! We will be adding more apps over time :-)

More info:


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