Joget Workflow v4 is Officially Launched

It's here! We're pleased to announce that the stable version of Joget Workflow v4 (4.0.2) is now released. Joget Workflow is an open source platform to easily build enterprise web apps for cloud and mobile.
  • Build full-fledged apps e.g. CRM, HR, Healthcare, etc
  • Drag and drop forms, lists, UI
  • Add workflow to automate processes
  • Extend via plugins
  • Apps are mobile optimized and cloud ready
  • Download ready made apps from the Joget Marketplace
As an application platform, Joget Workflow v4 is a notable enhancement on previous versions. There is much greater emphasis on usability, mobility and security. 



The following is a summary of what's new:

App Platform:
  • App Center
  • App Generator
Usability and User Experience:
  • Admin Bar
  • Front-end Design Mode
  • Mobile Web
Security Hardening:
  • Platform and API Hardening
  • Secure by Default Policies
Security Enhancements:
  • Password Policies
  • Password Storage
  • Credentials Management
  • Support for Simultaneous Internal and External Directory Managers
Find out what's new in more detail here:


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