
Showing posts from January, 2015

Joget v4.0.14 released

We are delighted to announce the immediate availability of the latest maintenance build of Joget tagged with version 4.0.14 (Build 1792). Compared to the previous release, this release has the following notable updates:- Maintaining order when Form Grid/List Grid hit validation errors. Ordering in Popup Select Box/ List Grid. Improvement in Jasper Reports Menu. Improvement of logging for Hash Variables. Improvement in process design update. Date format support improvement for Date Picker. Improvement of data storage for Multi Paged Form. Support of '.' & '@' in username. Persisting of current menu item in CorporatiTheme. Improvement the reliability of User Notification plugin. If you would like to view the complete change log, please look for the "changes.txt" file after downloading/installing Joget. Click here to download Joget .

Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 4 – Process Monitoring

We are making our training slides available online. This set of training slides is based on the Joget Workflow v3.1 version. This would be another good avenue for those who are looking for more learning materials to create more values for their organizations. This is the fourth out of 11 modules that will be posted online every few days. In this module, we will be learning on how to keep track of running instances created in Joget Workflow. We will also be looking at actions that can be taken by the administrator in managing the system. Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 4 – Process Monitoring from Joget Workflow This is the complete listing of all the modules. Module 1: Introduction Introduction to Business Process and Workflow Introduction to Joget Workflow Overview of Joget Workflow v3 Architecture Module 2: Setting up Joget Workflow Requirements Installation Overview of User Management   Module 3: Building your first P...

Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 3 – Building your first Process-driven Application

We are making our training slides available online. This set of training slides is based on the Joget Workflow v3.1 version. This would be another good avenue for those who are looking for more learning materials to create more values for their organizations. This is the third out of 11 modules that will be posted online every few days. In this module, we will learning on how to create a Process-driven Application by first creating a application container, followed by a simplistic Workflow Process design. By creating a Workflow Process design, we will be learning about elements such as Activity, Tool, Transition, Route, Participant, System Swimlane and so on. After the creation of the Workflow Process, we will then move on to verify the work done by going through the actual Process flow itself. Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 3 – Building your first Process-driven Application from Joget Workflow This is the complete listing of all the modu...

Better flow control in Workflow Design

A Condition transition is used part of decision making process for the purpose of routing in a workflow process. What we have below is a typical "Yes/No", "Approve/Reject" routing by using the following expression. status == "Approved" whereby "status" is a declared Workflow Variable . If the "status" variable contains the exact string of "Approved", then the Workflow would then flows to "Send Approved Proposal". Expressing more with the expression In the "expression" field of the transition element found in your workflow process design, one can  actually put in Javascript coding into it. As long as at the end of it, one of the statement would return a true/false value.  Example: var myRegExp = /dog/; var myText = " My dog smells worse than your dog"; myRegExp.test(myText) would return a true . var myRegExp = /dogie/; var myText = " My dog smells worse than your dog...

Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 2 – Setting Up Joget Workflow

We are making our training slides available online. This set of training slides is based on the Joget Workflow v3.1 version. This would be another good avenue for those who are looking for more learning materials to create more values for their organizations. This is the second out of 11 modules that will be posted online every few days. In this module, we will be going through on how to install Joget Workflow in your system as well as going through the built-in user directory management in Joget's web console. By default, Joget comes with a sample organization chart users for you to experiment with. It is possible for one to use external directory user implementation by using the LDAP Directory Manager plugin. Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 2 – Setting up Joget Workflow from Joget Workflow This is the complete listing of all the modules. Module 1: Introduction Introduction to Business Process and Workflow Introduction to Jog...

Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 1 – Introduction

We are making our training slides available online. This set of training slides is based on the Joget Workflow v3.1 version. This would be another good avenue for those who are looking for more learning materials to create more values for their organizations. This is the first out of 11 modules that will be posted online every few days. Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 1 – Introduction from Joget Workflow This is the complete listing of all the modules. Module 1: Introduction Introduction to Business Process and Workflow Introduction to Joget Workflow Overview of Joget Workflow v3 Architecture Module 2: Setting up Joget Workflow Requirements Installation Overview of User Management Module 3: Building your first Process-driven Application Business Process Design Designing Your First Workflow with Workflow Designer Running Your First Automated Process Module 4: Process Monitoring Administration of Process Instances in Joget ...

What’s Coming in Joget Workflow v5?

Introduction Joget Workflow ( ) is an open source platform to easily build enterprise web apps for cloud and mobile. Build full-fledged apps e.g. CRM, HR, Healthcare, etc Drag and drop forms, lists, UI Add workflow to automate processes Extend via plugins Apps are mobile optimized and cloud ready Download ready made apps from the Joget Marketplace With downloads and adoption from across the world since the first release in 2009, the current stable version is v4 which provided a host of new functionality as described in The next major release v5 is coming soon in 2015 , and the following section describes the major new features and enhancements to be expected. What’s New in v5? New App Center The user interface has been refreshed with the new App Center sporting a simplified, cleaner look. New Admin Sidebar For administrators and app designers, the new Ad...

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