
Showing posts from March, 2015

3 New Module Videos Available for Joget v4 Training

As for today, we have made another 3 modules available for your reference. They are:- Module Module Name Level Status 11 SLA and Deadlines App Designer Available 12 Version Control App Designer Available 13 Improving your Form design and Presentation App Designer Available We are still working on our way to make all modules available in the near future. Please bear with us. Here's the complete listing to date. Module Module Name Level Status 1 Introduction to Joget Workflow General Available 2 Setting up Joget Workflow General Available 3 Designing your first Process on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 4 Localizing your Joget Workflow General Pending 5 Designing your first Form on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 6 Using your first Process Tool – Email App Designer Available 7 Designing your first Datalist on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 8 Designing your first Userview on Joget Workflow App Designe...

Joget v4 Training Video now Available Online

This time around, we are making our training videos recorded from our recent training sessions available for online viewing. At the time of posting, these are the modules and videos available online. Module Module Name Level Status 1 Introduction to Joget Workflow General Available 2 Setting up Joget Workflow General Available 3 Designing your first Process on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 4 Localizing your Joget Workflow General Pending 5 Designing your first Form on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 6 Using your first Process Tool – Email App Designer Available 7 Designing your first Datalist on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 8 Designing your first Userview on Joget Workflow App Designer Available 9 Hash Variable App Designer Available 10 Permission Control App Designer Available 11 SLA and Deadlines App Designer Pending 12 Version Control App Designer Pending 13 Improving your Fo...

New Introduction Video to Joget Workflow Web Application Platform

Here's a new short overview video introducing the Joget Workflow Web Application Platform. Enjoy!

Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 11 – A Revision - Building a Support Ticketing System

In this final module of training slides created based on Joget v3.1, we are going into doing a revision for most of what's covered in the previous 10 modules. This module is very important in assessing and reinforcing what's learned. Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 11 – A Revision - Building a Support Ticketing System from Joget Workflow This is the complete listing of all the modules. Module 1: Introduction Introduction to Business Process and Workflow Introduction to Joget Workflow Overview of Joget Workflow v3 Architecture Module 2: Setting up Joget Workflow Requirements Installation Overview of User Management Module 3: Building your first Process-driven Application Business Process Design Designing Your First Workflow with Workflow Designer Running Your First Automated Process Module 4: Process Monitoring Administration of Process Instances in Joget Module 5: Creating your first Forms Creating your First Form...

Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 10 – Hash Variables

In this module, we will be introducing you a new concept in Joget called Hash Variable . Hash Variables help to dynamically gather and furnish you with useful information in your App design process. Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 10 – Hash Variables from Joget Workflow This is the complete listing of all the modules. Module 1: Introduction Introduction to Business Process and Workflow Introduction to Joget Workflow Overview of Joget Workflow v3 Architecture Module 2: Setting up Joget Workflow Requirements Installation Overview of User Management Module 3: Building your first Process-driven Application Business Process Design Designing Your First Workflow with Workflow Designer Running Your First Automated Process Module 4: Process Monitoring Administration of Process Instances in Joget Module 5: Creating your first Forms Creating your First Forms using Joget Form Builder Understanding the relationship between Forms an...

Upgrades Under the Hood in Joget Workflow v5

As an open source platform to easily build enterprise web apps, the new Joget Workflow v5 features were described in a previous post What’s Coming in Joget Workflow v5? , and this new post shares some details on upgrades under the hood. Joget is built on Java using the proven and popular enterprise libraries Spring Framework and Hibernate ORM and in v5 they will be upgraded to the latest available stable releases (Spring 4.1.5 and Hibernate 4.3.8) to take advantage of all the performance, stability and security improvements available. Also, performance in the Joget Workflow v5 core platform has been optimized by minimizing hotspots through refactoring and caching, showing vast improvements in some use cases for even higher scalability and larger deployments. The product team is working hard to bring Joget Workflow v5 to the community in a beta release soon, check back here for more updates!

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