3 New Module Videos Available for Joget v4 Training

As for today, we have made another 3 modules available for your reference. They are:-

Module Module Name Level Status
11SLA and DeadlinesApp DesignerAvailable
12Version ControlApp DesignerAvailable
13Improving your Form design and PresentationApp DesignerAvailable

We are still working on our way to make all modules available in the near future. Please bear with us. Here's the complete listing to date.

Module Module Name Level Status
1 Introduction to Joget Workflow General Available
2 Setting up Joget Workflow General Available
3 Designing your first Process on Joget Workflow App Designer Available
4 Localizing your Joget Workflow General Pending
5 Designing your first Form on Joget Workflow App Designer Available
6 Using your first Process Tool – Email App Designer Available
7 Designing your first Datalist on Joget Workflow App Designer Available
8 Designing your first Userview on Joget Workflow App Designer Available
9 Hash Variable App Designer Available
10 Permission Control App Designer Available
11 SLA and Deadlines App Designer Available
12 Version Control App Designer Available
13 Improving your Form design and Presentation App Designer Available
14 Introduction to Reporting App Designer Pending
15 Introduction to Plugin Architecture Developer Pending
16 Preparing Development Environment Developer Pending
17 Building a Plugin Developer Pending
18 Integrating with External System Developer Pending
19 Doing more with your Process Design App Designer Pending
20 Basic System Administration Developer Pending
21 Userview Key App Designer Pending
22 Best Practices on Application Building App Designer Pending


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