Joget No-Code / Low-Code Platform: 200,000 Open Source Downloads and Counting

As we approach the 10th anniversary of the Joget open source project, the Joget team is proud to announce that we’ve hit the milestone of 200,000 open source downloads (not counting many more in enterprise downloads and cloud signups) before the end of March 2019!  

Joget is an open source no-code/low-code application platform for faster, simpler digital transformation. Joget combines the best of business process automation, workflow management and rapid application development in a simple, flexible and open platform. Visual and web-based, it empowers non-coders to instantly build and maintain apps anytime, anywhere.

Joget started as the open source Joget Workflow project on SourceForge in 2009. Initially a workflow engine for business process automation, Joget evolved into a full-fledged application development platform in its third major release Joget Workflow v3 in 2011, back before the term “low code” was even coined by Forrester in 2014.

The latest major release Joget Workflow v6 was introduced in 2018 with focus on modern User Experience (UX), and App Maintainability and Performance. The upcoming Joget DX platform is the next generation successor to Joget Workflow introducing pioneering features such as automatic support for Progressive Web Apps (PWA), integrated Application Performance Management (APM) and TensorFlow AI integration. From Workflow to Digital Transformation (DX), the product name change reflects the complete digital transformation capabilities offered by the platform.

Thanks to all the users, customers and partners for supporting us on the journey to making app development accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere.

To learn more about Joget, visit our website at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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