Student Temperature Tracking for Schools

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schools are required to be extra diligent in making sure that proper hygiene and health best practices and procedures are followed. One of the risk management best practices is to take daily temperature readings of the students to ensure that any potential infection is mitigated.

With this "Student Temperature Tracking App", schools will be able to assign a QR code to a student and take daily body temperature reading quickly and easily.

Home screen of the Student Temperature Tracking app.

Summary of the App features are:

1. Allows schools to register their students and generate a "Student Temperature Tracking Card" for each student.

2. Students will show the "Student Temperature Tracking Card" when they get their temperatures taken.

3. Teachers are able to use their mobile devices or computers to record all the temperature readings.

4. If using mobile devices, teachers will be able scan the QR Code on the "Student Temperature Tracking Card" and automatically retrieve the student temperature reading form.

5. If using computers, teachers will search for each respective student record on the computer and store the temperature reading accordingly.

6. If a temperature reading is out of the normal body temperature range, a warning will be displayed.

7. Teachers will be able to refer to a historical record of the student's temperatures.

The following are desktop screenshots of the app:

Students listing and records for teachers and school administrators.

Each student is assigned a QR code for easy temperature recording and tracking.

Student body temperature records shown here in Celsius, can be modified to display in Fahrenheit. A status is assigned to each of the temperature readings. If the temperature reading is out of the normal body temperature, a warning is displayed.

A student's temperature reading records.

A student's temperature reading records with a warning status.

The following are mobile screenshots of the app:

If you want to learn more about the Joget platform, check out the following resources:

Stay safe and take care, everyone!


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