
Showing posts from September, 2020

Cloud Native and Low Code. Are You Ready for the Future of Enterprise IT?

A Brief Introduction to Kubernetes, OpenShift, Red Hat Marketplace and Joget DX TLDR : Cloud native technologies like containers and Kubernetes are the future of enterprise IT, and Red Hat Marketplace has been launched to provide a simpler way to try, buy and manage certified enterprise software for cloud native environments. Joget is proud to be a launch partner of Red Hat Marketplace, and this article introduces the Joget DX low code application platform on Red Hat Marketplace for rapid no-code / low-code application development. Containers and Kubernetes as the Future of Enterprise IT Much has been written about cloud-native technologies like containers and container orchestration as the future of enterprise IT, with Kubernetes (abbreviated as K8s) as the de facto standard. Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, up from less than 30% today.  If you are not familiar with Kubernetes, read a...

Go Paperless with Joget DX: An Open Source, No-Code/Low-Code Application Platform

“I want to get rid of tedious and repetitive paperwork which has taken a lot of my time.” According to Forrester’s Q1 2020 Digital Process Automation Survey , over 70% of organizations have paper-based process dependencies. In other words, many companies are still struggling to deal with hundreds to thousands of data entries and paper processes manually each day. This has resulted in decreased productivity, higher expenses spent on buying papers and printers, time wasted to search for a document and eventually miscommunication might occur.  Digitize Paper Processes with Joget DX Businesses can start developing their own enterprise apps to cater to different needs and requirements. Organizations can better manage daily workflows, automate tasks and avoid delays in processes and procedures with monitoring. Questions that most organizations often struggle with: “What are the ways to kick start this digital transformation journey?”  “Are there any simple ways to get started?” “Do ...

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