
Showing posts from November, 2020

Announcing the Launch of Tech for Humanity Program: Leading the Community in Their Digital Journey

“I would like to help the charity organizations to solve their complex challenges by making use of innovation and today’s technology.” Is this what you have on your mind? Or are you a non-profit organization that is looking for an open source platform to begin your innovation journey? Leading the community in their digital journey Although Covid-19 has been affecting the way we live and placing us in an unprecedented situation, it has made us realize the importance of a human centric approach. Additionally, it has made us aware of how we can create out-of-the-box solutions to resolve complex challenges by combining human imagination, creativity and resourcefulness with the right technology. As such, the Joget team is delighted to announce the launch of our Tech for Humanity program, aiming to help and support charity/non-profit organizations to leverage the Joget low-code platform to build and customize their own enterprise applications.  See how other charity/non-profit organizati...

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