
Showing posts from March, 2021

Composable Business Applications Using Joget - Low Code

This is a guest post by Anshul Saxena. He is currently working with Mokxa Technologies as a Program Manager with more than 15 years of experience in various domains that include Finance, Banking and Healthcare. He has worked with many Fortune 500 companies across the United States providing innovative digital assets and customer-centric solutions. He is actively contributing in digital transformations, delivering state-of-the-art IT solutions & helping customers in their rapid growth through the adoption of composable architecture. 

Joget Recognized In Now Tech Q1 2021 Analyst Report As A Low-Code Development Platform For Business Developers

“I want to digitize everything in my business processes and turn my app ideas into reality.” The Joget team is pleased to announce that the Joget no-code/low-code platform has been named in the Forrester Now Tech: General-Purpose Low-Code Development Platforms, Q1 2021  analyst report as a low-code development platform for business developers to empower digital workforces.   As the COVID-19 pandemic disrupts both the social and economic environment, organizations value the speed of application delivery more than ever before to meet the increased market demands and achieve a higher customer satisfaction rate.  Source: Joget webinar featuring Forrester’s Lauren Nelson and John Bratincevic -  Accelerated Application Development with Low-Code and Cloud Native Platforms: Are You Ready for the New Normal? Why Low-Code Platforms Instead of Traditional Software Development? As stated in one of the key takeaways from the Forrester Now Tech Report, the volume of enterpr...

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