
Showing posts from July, 2011

When Good is Not Enough

It's hard not to agree that Joget Workflow's look-and-feel is aesthetically pleasing, in addition to shipping great codes to the open source space. To continuously keep up with the " simplicity " design goal, we continuously examine and improve user experience by enhancing the user interfaces. One of the recent examples, is the improvement in navigating between Form Builder, Datalist Builder and Userview Builder. This recent enhancement is committed in the latest snapshot of v3 Beta code-base , and will be available in the final release of v3. The Problem In v3 Beta, if we continuously edit and design the forms, data lists and userviews, chances are, we will most likely end up with a couple of tabs opened in the browser; and it could be many. This affects the user experience, navigating between the builders and forms eventually resulted in cluttered tabs. The Solution Now, 3 nifty quick-navigators are placed into Form Builder, Datalist Builder and Uservi...

Joget Workflow Sets a Significant Milestone in China

I've just came back from Shanghai last night, and over the weekend, our first Accredited Partner in China is officially established via strategic collaboration. Rome was not built in a day though, we have been communicating through email conversations since 3 months ago; but the process turns out to be very fruitful! Shanghai Valuprosys Technology (上海维略信息科技), the new certified implementation partner, is a team of open source business solutions provider based in one of the most populous cities of China. A lean startup, SVT's team comprises of project managers, functional consultants and technical developers who are experienced in the ERP and logistics domains. They are also geared with more than 5 years of solution implementation experience with IBM, Oracle and Ultimus products. Stepping into China with significant traction, is one of our goals of this year, and I'm glad we have done it in half a year! Just the right timing with another 2 quarters to get Joget Work...

The Joget House, Silicon Valley, USA

We started our base in the US sometime 9 months ago (the time it takes to conceive a child), and have since been telling ourselves that we need a better place where our Jogetians can come over and stay for several weeks without worrying about hotel bills … a place where they can just code, train, convert adopters, and do the cool things we only read about (like in US cool companies like Google) without breaking the bank account. Now how was that going to be possible? I guess when we found out about how depressed the housing market is and the fact that there are global banks (like HSBC) willing to finance borrowings outside the US, we became very eager to find out how we can work around those two circumstances to let the Joget House happen. After all, we were affording Mike’s rent and the small cubicle in PnP by a whisker! We soon realized that Mike’s and PnP’s rent put together amounted to the mortgage payments, and with that resolved, we started thinking of how to come up with the re...

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