A Guide to Get Started With Joget Workflow v3
Joget Workflow as a workflow management software has come a long way since Nov 2009. Version 1 and 2 were developed and positioned as a BPM workflow management system to design, deploy and run workflows for business processes with the workflow engine as the core. After almost two years of trying to find a market fit, we discovered that our customers were using Joget Workflow to automate their processes and then building web applications around those workflows. A process-driven application if you will! Joget Workflow as a process-driven application platform That realization made us rethink our product strategy. Why not provide a platform that allowed the users to develop web applications and at the same time provide them with the capability to automate any processes they need? It should be designed to be simple and easy to use with little or no coding! Hence, for v3, we decided to completely redeveloped Joget Workflow from ground up ( v3 Overview ). It is designed to be a pl...