Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 8 – Participant Mapping and Permission Control

In this eighth module, we will be talking about Participant Mapping and Permission Control. They are essentially 2 main chapters combined together in one module as they are related with user control.

Participant Mapping

This is the complete listing of all the modules.

Module 1: Introduction
Introduction to Business Process and Workflow
Introduction to Joget Workflow
Overview of Joget Workflow v3 Architecture

Module 2: Setting up Joget Workflow
Overview of User Management

Module 3: Building your first Process-driven Application
Business Process Design
Designing Your First Workflow with Workflow Designer
Running Your First Automated Process

Module 4: Process Monitoring
Administration of Process Instances in Joget

Module 5: Creating your first Forms
Creating your First Forms using Joget Form Builder
Understanding the relationship between Forms and Process Activities

Module 6: Using the Email Tool
Implementing Email Tool Plugin on your Process Tool.

Module 7: Creating Datalist and Userview
Creating a Listing of submitted Form data.
Creating a User Interface (UI) for end-user access.

Module 8: Participant Mapping and Permission Control
Defining Process Participant Mapping on your Process
Enforcing Permission Control on your App

Module 9: SLA and Deadlines
Service Level Agreement implementation on Workflow Process.
Creating Email Reminder on Workflow Process using Deadline implementation.

Module 10: Hash Variables
Dynamically populate Form fields, Email plugin.
Using Hash Variable

Module 11: A Revision - Building a Support Ticketing System


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