Joget Workflow Training – Basic & Advance for v3.1 – Module 9 – SLA and Deadlines

In this module, we will be discussing about 2 main topics.
  1. SLA (Service Leave Agreement) implementation and
  2. Deadlines implementation on Workflow Activity.
Service Level Agreement (SLA) can be incorporated in the process design as a means for the process owner to define and maintain quality of services.
In Joget, SLA may be implemented at the process level and, typically, at the activity level.

On the other hand, Deadlines act as a timer which triggers an exception transition to another activity when a specified duration has elapsed. Deadlines can be set for each activity.

This is the complete listing of all the modules.

Module 1: Introduction
Introduction to Business Process and Workflow
Introduction to Joget Workflow
Overview of Joget Workflow v3 Architecture

Module 2: Setting up Joget Workflow
Overview of User Management

Module 3: Building your first Process-driven Application
Business Process Design
Designing Your First Workflow with Workflow Designer
Running Your First Automated Process

Module 4: Process Monitoring
Administration of Process Instances in Joget

Module 5: Creating your first Forms
Creating your First Forms using Joget Form Builder
Understanding the relationship between Forms and Process Activities

Module 6: Using the Email Tool
Implementing Email Tool Plugin on your Process Tool.

Module 7: Creating Datalist and Userview
Creating a Listing of submitted Form data.
Creating a User Interface (UI) for end-user access.

Module 8: Participant Mapping and Permission Control
Defining Process Participant Mapping on your Process
Enforcing Permission Control on your App

Module 9: SLA and Deadlines
Service Level Agreement implementation on Workflow Process.
Creating Email Reminder on Workflow Process using Deadline implementation.

Module 10: Hash Variables
Dynamically populate Form fields, Email plugin.
Using Hash Variable

Module 11: A Revision - Building a Support Ticketing System


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