
Showing posts from 2018

Introducing Joget DX, the Next Generation Open Source Digital Transformation Platform

Joget DX is a next generation open source application platform for faster, simpler digital transformation (DX). With Joget DX business and technical teams can collaborate to rapidly build full-fledged enterprise applications visually, anywhere, anytime. Some history: The Joget platform started as the open source Joget Workflow project on SourceForge in 2009. Initially a workflow engine for business process automation, Joget evolved into a full-fledged application development platform in its third major release Joget Workflow v3 in 2011, back before the term “low code” was even coined by Forrester in 2014. With almost 200,000 open source downloads and more than 10,000 community members since inception, the latest major release Joget Workflow v6 was introduced in 2018 with focus on modern User Experience (UX), and App Maintainability and Performance. Joget DX is the next generation successor to Joget Workflow. From Workflow to Digital Transformation (DX), the product n...

A Sneak Peek at the Next Generation Open Source Digital Transformation Platform

The Joget platform started as the open source Joget Workflow project on SourceForge in 2009. Initially a workflow engine for business process automation, Joget evolved into a full-fledged application development platform in its third major release Joget Workflow v3 in 2011, back before the term “low code” was even coined by Forrester in 2014. With almost 200,000 open source downloads and more than 10,000 community members since inception, the latest major release Joget Workflow v6 was introduced in early 2018. As we near the 10th anniversary of the Joget open source project, the trend towards low-code and no-code open source platforms is disrupting the enterprise app development space. According to Gartner , “by 2020, at least 50% of all new business applications will be created with high-productivity toolsets.” Looking at the direction of the application development industry, the hottest technology trends today revolve around a whole truckload of acronyms: AI (Artificial Int...

Joget Workflow: Open Source and Open Standards

   As a no-code / low-code platform to rapidly develop web applications, one of the key principles of Joget Workflow is openness. The team at Joget believes openness is a very important trait for software, and the following are our commitment to open source and open standards: Core platform is fully open source, available publicly on GitHub .  Built on the Java Enterprise Edition (EE) standard, can be deployed on a variety of Java EE compatible application servers such as IBM Websphere Liberty, Oracle Weblogic, Red Hat JBoss, Apache Tomcat, etc.  Supports any Java supported operating system e.g. Microsoft Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat, SUSE, etc), Unix, etc.  Underlying database is vendor independent and can run on a variety of SQL standard databases e.g. MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, etc  Can be deployed in different environments as required e.g. on-premise server, private cloud, public cloud (Amazon Web Services, Google Cl...

Case Study - One to Many Grid Form Design on Joget Workflow Form Builder

This post is a follow up from an earlier posting of Joget Workflow Form Builder - More than Just Workflow , in our quest to explore different kinds of form designs. Technical aspects discussed in this posting requires slight elevation of technical know-how, such as database table design and ERD (entity relationship diagram). In this case study, we shall use the default Expenses Claims App that comes bundled by default with every Joget Workflow installation, so that this article can double as a how-to guide for everyone to try it out. Let’s begin! When submitting a new claim, there’s a spreadsheet element to facilitate the entry of claim items. The spreadsheet element is a grid element where it establishes a one-to-many entity relationship between the claim and claim entry entities. Through the use of “Multirow Form Binder”, the claim form would be able to save the multirow data of spreadsheet into the “Expense Claim Entry” form table. “claim” is the foreign ke...

Joget Workflow Form Builder - More than Just Workflow

Over the years, we have received many requests from our customers and community on how to improve their applications built on top of our low-code/no-code platform, Joget Workflow. Ironically, the most requested feature is not actually about workflow. It is about the form. Evidently, as what we can see in our community , the most discussed feature is actually about forms. Process-related questions surprisingly comes in at a distant sixth place. With our recent release of Joget Workflow v6, we have added even more form related elements. The default build is now bundled with more than 30 form input elements. New form elements are being developed all the time. In order to meet our customers’ demand, new plugins are being introduced into Joget Marketplace . Check out one of our latest videos on how to make use of Joget Workflow to build a full fledged meeting room booking app, where the form builder plays an important role in integrating everything together. ...

3 Reasons to Further Modernize ERP Systems with Process Digitization

In manufacturing, distribution and trading industries, an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is undoubtedly a core and impactful system to have in place. ERP systems have been modernizing these industries for decades before the terms "digital transformation" and "digitization" were made popular. Today, as the workforce is generally getting more IT-literate and mobile-ready across most job functions, ERP systems alone are no longer the magic wand to modernize IT in manufacturing, distribution and trading businesses. More gaps are surfacing itself from ERP digitization needs. 1. Control the process/SOP that occurs before data goes into ERP software In many companies (even the global MNCs), the process that governs how data is approved before it goes into ERP is not automated. Take a simple example - Customer Master Data Change Request. Let's say a sales manager files a request to adjust credit term for a customer account. Yes, surely, the cr...

Modern App Development with Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Joget Workflow

Cloud Foundry is an open source platform as a service (PaaS) for developers to deploy and scale applications without manually configuring and managing servers. The promise of “write once, run anywhere” means developers can build their apps on a programming language or framework of their choice, and be able to deploy it to any underlying cloud environment. For example, developers could code a Java-based Spring Framework application, and “push” the application to a Cloud Foundry space. That space could be running in an on-premises OpenStack cloud, or a public cloud like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Bluemix or Microsoft Azure. The idea is that it hides away infrastructure details and services such as databases, so developers do not need to worry about managing the underlying environment. Originally developed by VMWare, the Cloud Foundry project was owned by its spin-off Pivotal before being transferred to the Cloud Foundry Foundation , which is backed by major techno...

Announcing Joget Academy

Today, we are excited to announce that Joget Academy is now available to the public.   Self-learning Joget Workflow is now easier than ever with a guided and structured online course. We shall explore the benefits of our new online learning platform as compared to traditional self-learning.   Check out Joget Academy at to get started. Covering all the basics Learning on our own, we may be prone to miss important details or prerequisites before moving on to advanced chapters. Or perhaps you’re much more effective as a visual and physical learner that like to be hands-on. Or just maybe you prefer learning at your own time, place, and pace. Relying on reading and learning alone may lead to a frustrating self-learning experience. Now, Joget Academy covers all the basics, everything from setting up Joget Workflow to building a full-fledged business-ready app, in a form of a structured lecture course. No-coach coaching With Joget Academy, we ar...

Simplifying Business Automation with Red Hat OpenShift and Joget Workflow

Business Automation and Low Code Platforms As part of an organization’s digital transformation strategy, automation in software improves efficiency, delivers value faster, and solves IT and business workflow challenges. According to Red Hat , business automation is the alignment of business process management (BPM) and business rules management (BRM) with modern application development. In recent years, the emergence of low code platforms has greatly expedited software development and delivery to meet customer needs and demands. Low code platforms reduce the time it typically takes to deliver apps to a fraction required for traditional enterprise development, from months to weeks or days. Or even just minutes for working prototypes . Red Hat OpenShift and Joget Workflow Red Hat OpenShift is a container application platform that brings Docker and Kubernetes to the enterprise. OpenShift Online is a public Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that offers a hosted solution in...

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