
Showing posts from 2014

Community Contributed Joget Apps and Plugins

We started a community contributed section in our marketplace and in our community site  a while back. Since then, we have been exploring ways to allow the developer community to develop Joget apps or plugins that can be shared to the rest of the Joget community either commercially or as free to use. The e-book, " Easy Joget v3 for Absolute Beginner " contributed by Madeng, has been downloaded/viewed more than 9,000 times. Followed by " Liferay Directory Manager Plugin 1.0 ", which garnered 60 downloads and " Protected Text Field Form Plugin v1.0 " with 47 downloads. Check out the latest contributions, a very useful Property Hash Variable Plugin that allows users to retrieve a property value from any properties file placed in the "wflow" folder; and the Google Apps Directory Manager Plugin, that allows Google Apps users to integrate with Joget Workflow. For more info on how to use the Google Apps Directory Manager Plugin, check out the vi...

On Joget Workflow Scalability

Since v3.0, we had done quite a number of code profiling steps and optimized the identified bottlenecks. There is significant performance improvement in v4. In terms of customer implementations, we have a customer in Asia that implemented a cluster of up to 5 servers on AWS (Amazon Web Services) to handle up to 1500 concurrent users. There's another in Europe that has several thousand total users running on a single on-premise server. As Joget Workflow is a platform and not directly an end-user app, the scalability and performance would depend on a number of factors e.g. complexity of the apps and use cases, usage patterns, tuning of the OS/DB/JVM/app server stack, etc.  The best approach would be to perform profiling/sampling on specific apps/use cases that are considered slow, that would give a good indication on any possible bottlenecks/resource contention issues. There is a very general guideline at , but it is...

How to Build a Mobile Webapp with Joget Workflow in 10 Minutes

When v3 was first released in 2012, it made process and database driven application development amazingly fast and easy for programmers and analysts alike. Some of our partners would meet up with their clients and develop a fully functional application as a proof-of-concept (inclusive of their change requests) in 60 minutes or less. The partner would take one of the client's MS Word drawn process flow chart, build the app and automate their process right in front of them! Developing a working app in 60 minutes was super-fast in terms of app development time, but not really suitable for clients that cannot stay at least 60 minutes for a presentation :) Ever since the release of v3, we have been looking for ways to further speed up the development of apps that are supported automatically on mobile devices. So, in v4 we added the App Generator. It would allow anyone to very quickly get their ideas to a proof-of-concept or a minimum viable product stage in 10 minutes or less! Th...

Joget Workflow On-Demand

This first quarter of 2014 has been an extremely exciting start to the year. All the months of hard work have led us to this point! The first week of April sees us releasing and launching Joget Workflow v4 and just a couple of days ago, we quietly released Joget Workflow On-Demand . So, what is Joget Workflow On-Demand? Joget Workflow On-Demand is a subscription based service that offers Joget Workflow Enterprise Edition to small businesses on the Cloud. It is an application platform as a service (aPaaS) that allows users to create their own workflow apps or database driven apps with or without programming knowledge. Alternatively, they can make use of the ready made simple apps such as employee self service portal, expenses, invoicing, etc. for their own use, or as template to build new ones. What are the Benefits of subscribing to Joget Workflow On-Demand? Here are some of the benefits that can immediately be realized. Rapid time to value/benefit - Significantly reduc...

Joget Workflow v4 is Officially Launched

It's here!  We're pleased to announce that the stable version of Joget Workflow v4 (4.0.2) is now released.  Joget Workflow is an open source platform to easily build enterprise web apps for cloud and mobile. Build full-fledged apps e.g. CRM, HR, Healthcare, etc Drag and drop forms, lists, UI Add workflow to automate processes Extend via plugins Apps are mobile optimized and cloud ready Download ready made apps from the Joget Marketplace As an application platform, Joget Workflow v4 is a notable enhancement on previous versions. There is much greater emphasis on usability, mobility and security.  VIDEO TUTORIAL Check out the getting started guide and  video tutorials : WHAT'S NEW? The following is a summary of what's new: App Platform: App Center App Generator Usability and User Experience: Admin Bar Front-end Design Mode Mobile: Mobile Web Security Hardening: Platform and API Hardening Secure by Default ...

Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise 3.1.5 Announced

The 3.1.5 update version of Joget Enterprise edition features a notable security improvement over the earlier version. The security improvements are as follow:- Master Login encryption Master Login is typically used for handling JSON API calls. Encryption is now added to protect the credential to prevent one from retrieving it directly from the database. Datasource Profile encryption Database access credential stored in the Datasource Profile is now encrypted as well to prevent one from being able to retrieve the credential directly to access the database. For a complete list of changes, please visit Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise Edition Version Changes .

Joget Workflow as a Citizen Developer Platform

On July 14, 2011, Gartner published a press release that "Citizen developers will be building at least a quarter of new business applications by 2014...". This article has brought renewed interest in end-user application development which had been propositioned as early as the 1980s, if not earlier. The definition of citizen developer as defined by Gartner states that: "A citizen developer is a user who creates new business applications for consumption by others using development and runtime environments sanctioned by corporate IT. In the past, end-user application development has typically been limited to single-user or workgroup solutions built with tools like Microsoft Excel and Access. However, today, end users can build departmental, enterprise and even public applications using shared services, fourth-generation language (4GL)-style development platforms and cloud computing services." According to Gartner, employees bypassing the IT departments to deve...

A Guide to Get Started With Joget Workflow v3

Joget Workflow as a workflow management software has come a long way since Nov 2009. Version 1 and 2 were developed and positioned as a BPM workflow management system to design, deploy and run workflows for business processes with the workflow engine as the core. After almost two years of trying to find a market fit, we discovered that our customers were using Joget Workflow to automate their processes and then building web applications around those workflows. A process-driven application if you will! Joget Workflow as a process-driven application platform That realization made us rethink our product strategy. Why not provide a platform that allowed the users to develop web applications and at the same time provide them with the capability to automate any processes they need? It should be designed to be simple and easy to use with little or no coding! Hence, for v3, we decided to completely redeveloped Joget Workflow from ground up ( v3 Overview ). It is designed to be a pl...

New Joget v4 Beta 2 Release

Since our first release of v4 last May, we have been getting a lot of feedback from potential new and existing customers who are currently using v3 stable. We are officially making a second Beta release today. This is a highly anticipated release for those who are evaluating Joget v4 in particular. Joget v4 Beta 2 would feature vast security related improvements and all round improvements on most of its features. These are some of the highlights:- SECURITY ======== - Added DataEncryption interface and its implementation - Added Security Enhanced Directory Manager - Automatically assign normal user role if user is created by a non-admin user - Prevent possible cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities - Show generic message and log stack trace to log file when ERROR 500 - Secured all passwords from rendering directly in HTML - Secured Process Start White List by default for newly deployed processes. - Support HTTP basic authentication - Updated API requests that...

Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise 3.1.4 Released

This release contains stability and performance improvements, and is a strongly recommended upgrade for high usage installations, especially for users running 3.1.1 and below. These are some of the notable changes since the 3.1.1 version. Fixed: wflow-core - Run Process Menu - External Form behave differently when mapped to run process  Added FormPdfUtil - Hash Variable parsing in sub form. Refined logic to get a form field. Fixed FormPdfUtil - PDF fail to generate due to shared object. Fixed Calculation Field - Field name ended with similar value are given wrong results. Fixed Process/ Activity info - Exception when invalid number format used in limit. Tuned connection pool timeout settings. Added User Notification - Nested user hash variable support Tuned connection pool timeout settings Improved Performance issue on deadline checking.  Improve performance of XPDL image generation.  Fixed Memory leak while storing form data. Fixed FormDataUpdateTool ...

New Joget 3.1.3 Released

4 months after the release of Joget 3.1.1 , our team have continue working round the clock in the aspects of stability, robustness and security, we are delighted to announce the general availability of Joget 3.1.3. We took the extra time and efforts in polishing the product to become much more stable and solid in delivering the performance that one would expect from the Joget team. Although from the front-end, it is not exactly noticeable in terms of features Joget has to offer, in the back-end, we have performed a series of tweaks to make things runs smoother. Among them are:- Performance fix on Deadline Checking. Performance improvement on XPDL image generation. Connection pool timeout settings tuning. Nested User Hash Variable support on User Notification. Fixed possible memory leak issue in form data storage. Download now at

Form Builder - Hidden Field - Data Priority

Effectively from Joget 3.1.0 onwards, we have added in "Data Priority" option to the Hidden Field to cater to more use cases on the handling of data. Data Priority option in Joget 3.1.0 and onwards Data Priority determines on which value to be taken into consideration. There are 3 options with their own data precedence to cater to different use cases. Prioritization option in Joget version prior to 3.1.0  This would mean that we are replacing a very simplistic option available in prior version of Joget as depicted above.

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