Community Contributed Joget Apps and Plugins

We started a community contributed section in our marketplace and in our community site a while back. Since then, we have been exploring ways to allow the developer community to develop Joget apps or plugins that can be shared to the rest of the Joget community either commercially or as free to use. The e-book, " Easy Joget v3 for Absolute Beginner " contributed by Madeng, has been downloaded/viewed more than 9,000 times. Followed by " Liferay Directory Manager Plugin 1.0 ", which garnered 60 downloads and " Protected Text Field Form Plugin v1.0 " with 47 downloads. Check out the latest contributions, a very useful Property Hash Variable Plugin that allows users to retrieve a property value from any properties file placed in the "wflow" folder; and the Google Apps Directory Manager Plugin, that allows Google Apps users to integrate with Joget Workflow. For more info on how to use the Google Apps Directory Manager Plugin, check out the vi...