Joget Workflow v6 Beta Released
After months of intensive development, we're proud to announce that the beta for Joget Workflow v6 is now available for download!
User Experience (UX) and mobility are the Achilles' heel for enterprise apps. To address this, new features in v6 include a Material-design inspired user experience, mobile device responsiveness, dashboard capabilities and many many more.
With touch support for designing apps (imagine using an iPad to build and maintain apps!), building beautiful and user friendly apps will be easier than ever.
The major challenge in app development is not building it the first time, but rather maintaining and evolving it over time. A big focus in v6 is improving app maintainability, with additional tools to manage dependencies and to automatically merge concurrent team changes.
What's New in Joget Workflow v6?
v6 has a dual pronged focus: User Experience (UX), and App Maintainability and Performance.USER EXPERIENCE AND MOBILITY
User Experience (UX) and mobility are the Achilles' heel for enterprise apps. To address this, new features in v6 include a Material-design inspired user experience, mobile device responsiveness, dashboard capabilities and many many more.
With touch support for designing apps (imagine using an iPad to build and maintain apps!), building beautiful and user friendly apps will be easier than ever.
The major challenge in app development is not building it the first time, but rather maintaining and evolving it over time. A big focus in v6 is improving app maintainability, with additional tools to manage dependencies and to automatically merge concurrent team changes.
Performance is also another key focus area with tools to help app designers optimize their apps more easily through easy-to-use caching, and to prevent common app performance bottlenecks such as detection of database connection leaks.
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