Advantages of Joget Workflow

Similar to any other products, two of the questions that we are most frequently asked, are:

  1. What are the advantages of Joget Workflow?
  2. How do you compare Joget Workflow to competitors like X, Y and Z?

I'm pretty sure there are many people Googling for such information too, so I might as well publish my thoughts here.

By the way, I'm only writing about some key advantages of Joget Workflow here, not competitor analysis :)

1. Open Source Software

Being an open source model, software is not the only deliverable of Joget Workflow. In fact, the source code is also one of the deliverables. So, comparing to closed-source products, the source codes in Joget Workflow can be seen and examined by anyone, including the software engineering experts. This encourages the software engineers contributing to Joget Workflow to produce higher quality source codes.

Thus, the open source model of Joget Workflow enables flexibilities in the following key implementation aspects:
  • Bug-fixing: When a bug is spotted in proprietary software, the only people who can fix it are the original developers, as only they have access to the source code. Open source software is different. As a large number of users can access and change the code, bugs tend to be more visible and more rapidly corrected. One of the slogans of the open source movement is that "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow".
  • Customization: Closed source applications can only be customized or adapted within the scope provided by the original vendor but never outside its boundaries. Open source applications may be customized by anyone with the requisite skill. Thus, open source software can be readily adapted to meet specific user needs.

2. Simplicity

Simplicity is the ultimate goal subscribed by Joget Workflow development team.

Unlike other BPM software, Joget Workflow is not dependent on any developer studio or IDE (such as .NET Studio, Visual Studio, Eclipse IDE) for its functions. In other words, users without familiarity with developer tools or developer experience (business analyst, process consultant) can create a fully functional workflow application using Joget Workflow.

In the immediate product roadmap (v3), the graphical Form Builder in Joget Worfklow v3 will be a powerful full-fledge flexible and extensible electronic form builder for everyone.

Alternatively, workflow activities can also be mapped to external form built on any Web platform (PHP, .NET, Java Web, Ruby on Rails, etc).

3. Standard-Compliant Workflow Designer

The Workflow Designer in Joget Workflow is complying with XPDL standard, which is designed for people-driven workflow.

4. Plugin Architecture

Joget Workflow supports plugin architecture to achieve extensibility and adaptability of product features. So, any kind of integration that is not yet available in Joget Workflow as standard feature can be accomplished by developing a plugin, without breaking the fundamental core of the product.

And due to the beauty of open source model, anyone with Java programming knowledge can freely develop any plugin needed, and distribute them.

5. Open API

Joget Workflow offers a set of JSON and JavaScript APIs to enable integration from any Web platform. So, adopters don’t need to choose a Web platform that works with Joget Workflow, but Joget Workflow can be simply integrated with any preferred Web platform.

6. Works with Enterprise Systems

With reference to the plugin architecture and open APIs as mentioned above, the following components are available with Joget Workflow to enable its seamless integration with enterprise systems:
  • External User Directory: Instead of using the default Joget Workflow user base and organization chart, custom Directory Manager plugin can be installed into Joget Workflow, to integrate with external user directory, such as Active Directory and LDAP server.
  • Web Portal: User can easily embed any process, task inbox and process list into external Web site/portal, such as Web Part in SharePoint, portlet in Liferay and widget in WordPress, using JavaScript snippet.

7. No Client Component in Joget Workflow

Joget Workflow doesn’t have any client component that requires client-end installation. The Workflow Designer is powered by Java Web, and the Workflow Management Console and Form Builder are fully Web-based.

8. Platform Independent

Joget Workflow can be installed on any operating system that has Java SE 6 support, which includes Linux, Solaris and Windows.

Besides, Joget Workflow database can also be deployed on MySQL, Oracle 10g and SQL Server 2005.

So, if you find the advantages mentioned above to be beneficial for your implementation, give Joget Workflow a try ;)


  1. Hello!

    Excelent Post. It push me to try Joget, I was looking for a open source workflow engine and my quest was unsuccesfull until now, I'm starting to try Joget and it seems like it's what I need (I hope so). It have no problems to install, I'm using with Oracle 10g and it's working really good, but I'm only in my first steps, so wish me look.


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