Joget Workflow on FLOSS Weekly Interview

It has been 17 months since the first public release of Joget Workflow (back in Oct 2009), started with just 19 downloads recorded in the first month. Today, with the support from worldwide adopters, we are grateful to be listed by Momentum Index as one of the top 96 open source software companies. This reflects a strong early proof of traction for Joget Workflow.

FLOSS Weekly

15 hours ago, we were on live telly, interviewed by TWiT's FLOOS Weekly. You can listen or watch the podcast here. The session was hosted by Randal Schwartz and Aaron Newcomb. Our CEO in the Valley - Michael Yap, was taking lead responding to the interview questions, and I was more of a backbencher haha.

Even though this is not the first time for us to be interviewed on Joget Workflow project, but we have been very much looking forward to this, as the FLOSS Weekly program objective and audiences fit perfectly into the model of our software -- free, libre, open source!

The interview was casted at 9.30am PDT, but that was 12.30am mid-night for me in Kuala Lumpur :p But too bad, the Internet upstream wasn't cooperative to me for video call at that moment.

Some Stories That Seldom Been Told

The interview wasn't just about what Joget Workflow is, and the problems that we are targeting to solve with this open source software. But, Michael also talked about how the team started this project, and the technical background that we came from.

We don't have super-star celebrity software engineer,  but it is developed and steered by a group of highly competent Java EE developers, who truly believes in the product that we are crafting, and passionate about creating the world’s most user friendly open source workflow application builder.

The technical team of Joget Workflow was working on the development of a stateful widget-based Java Web MVC framework back in year 2002, when the technology world was recovering from the dot-com bubble burst. Then, the MVC framework was used to develop a productized enterprise-scale knowledge portal. All these achievements were done during the time when MVC and widget were still little-known concepts, when there wasn’t much significant MVC framework exists, when portal and portlet were still a strange jargon, and when JSR-168 specification was not even been released!

How to Pronounce "Joget"?

Listen to the interview podcast, and you will find the answer ;)


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