Anyong-haseyo 안녕하세요 - Joget Workflow Speaks Korean and Has RTL Support too

Yes! Joget Workflow speaks Korean, and quite fluently to date, and we're saying so because we've already achieved 99% completion of the language translation by community effort at

Here is the introduction to Joget Workflow in Korean language (오픈 소스 워크플로우 애플리케이션 빌더 - 도입부).

Of course, there are many other language translations being actively worked out by our ever-growing community of translators. Indonesian, Spanish and Thai are among the more popular ones.

Let's look at Hangeul 한글 in action and what Joget Workflow looks like in the Korean native alphabet.

Joget Workflow in Korean

RTL Language Support

Do you know that apart from the usual LTR languages, Joget Workflow is packed with RTL language (such as Arabic) support as well? And switching to RTL mode can be done easily in the management console, as shown below.

Switching to RTL support and system locale is just a click away

Come and join us in making Joget Workflow the world's most powerful and linguistically competent free open source process driven application builder!


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