
Showing posts from 2011

Joget Workflow Enterprise Edition and Partnership Program

Greetings! This past month, we have been receiving a lot of inquiries regarding Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise edition. Emails have been coming in from Germany, Hungary, Philippines, US, Singapore, France, Taiwan, Brazil and the Middle East asking about the Enterprise license pricing model and on our partnership program. Firstly, we are very excited to announce that Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise is on schedule to be released on the first week of January 2012. Secondly, we are ramping up the benefits of our Accredited Partnership Program . Check them out below. Joget Workflow App Copy Protection Accredited partners will be able to access the app copy protection feature of Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise Edition. Joget Workflow v3 Enterprise Edition is a platform that allows partners to develop and resell process-centric web apps. The copy protection feature will allow partners to protect their apps from being copied and distributed without authorization. This is an essenti...

International Recognition at APICTA Awards 2011

Last month, we broke the news that Joget Workflow has bagged 2 awards at MSC Malaysia APICTA, and that has brought us a passport to compete at the international stage - the 11th International APICTA (Asia Pacific ICT Alliance) Awards, held in Pattaya on 11.11.11. Julian (the technology master brain of Joget) and I were in Pattaya early this month, together with nominees from other Asia Pacific economies, to compete for the "Best of Tools and Infrastructure Application" category. Of all the participating economies, I'm personally very impressed with the team from Pakistan  -- a lot of efforts they have put in at the international stage. Kudos to their dedicated mentors, who were there in Pattaya together with the nominees, to really contribute their mentorship ( not just merely for the fun of travelling ). The first 5 minutes of my pitch for the "Best of Tools and Infrastructure Application" session didn't went on smoothly - the projector decided not t...

Open Dynamics Bags Two Awards at MSC Malaysia APICTA 2011

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – (25 Oct 2011): MSC Malaysia APICTA Awards returned for its 12th annual iteration on 25th October 2011 at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton. The Asia Pacific ICT Awards (APICTA) is an international Awards Programme initiated by the Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) to provide a platform for innovators and entrepreneurs in the ICT sectors in the region to benchmark their products and to network. Students, entrepreneurs, SMEs, individuals and organizations compete in 18 categories showcasing their creativity, innovation and ICT excellence in the country. Open Dynamics was selected as the Winner of Best of Startup Companies Category and its product, Joget Workflow, bagged the Merit award for Best of Applications and Infrastructure Tools. In spite of an incredibly intense competition among the nominees, Open Dynamics displayed the right industry caliber to be recognized for its achievements and contributions in the two categories. Open Dynamics is one of the very few...

Joget On The Cloud

It's a rainy evening in Kuala Lumpur. I was driving in the bumper-to-bumper traffic, and that traffic condition gave me some opportunities to catch up with tweets instead. Scott Francis' update caught my attention, he posted an article inspired by Activiti's Tom Baeyens' blog post ; basically, it's about BPM on the cloud . Tom Baeyens in the opening of his post: “The first thing we realized is that on the cloud, a requirement is self-service by professional consumers. This means that end users should be able to manage the apps they use .” “Immediately it became clear that hosting traditional BPM engine on the cloud is a big technical challenge with a relative low value for professional consumers.” Spot on! We have received numerous email requests from Joget Workflow users, asking about the availability of "switch-on-and-it-runs" hosted instances of Joget. And this request is getting more significantly relevant lately, when the v3 Beta is rol...

Code for America : Starting The Open311 Center

September 9, 2011 : Code for America is a non-profit organization that recruits civic-conscious tech talents to work with local government and council bodies in developing web-based applications that can be used across America to make cities more receptive and efficient. Open311 Center is a Code for America initiative that endeavors to provide an open means of communication for common, non-emergency matters in public spaces, such as broken street lamps and uncollected garbage. The project aims to address civic challenges and raise civic participation by creating innovative web-based solutions that are reusable and shareable, and which can work seamlessly with other 311 systems across America. Open311 Projects at Code for America brought together CfA intern Ashish Mittal and Open Dynamics CEO Michael Yap over the summer as the former developed a lightweight 311 back-end for small cities, using Joget Workflow. "We have built the application using Joget, a great open-source workflow ...

Joget Developer Campaign Mascot

Jack asked to come up with a community badge for a Joget Workflow developer event that we are currently organizing where local and overseas students can participate via Joget community. He wants us to have a campaign mascot the way other similar events have, and one that we can use for all of Joget’s developer programs. The campaign mascot will appear on event registration forms, mechanics literature, etc. Before setting out to do any work, I did some online reading on campaign mascots such as Olympic 2012 and a very useful article I found, 31 Mascots And How They Help The Brand . Actually, I had already designed a mascot for Joget much earlier on. It had a smack of Transformers and Robo-Get! I followed it up with another, this time in 3D and portraying a more aggressive appearance, its head identical to the shape and color of the Joget logo. The figure looks like he is ready to throw in a shot in any battle -- very, very symbolic of our Joget Team’s fighting spirit! Jack gave a n...

When Good is Not Enough

It's hard not to agree that Joget Workflow's look-and-feel is aesthetically pleasing, in addition to shipping great codes to the open source space. To continuously keep up with the " simplicity " design goal, we continuously examine and improve user experience by enhancing the user interfaces. One of the recent examples, is the improvement in navigating between Form Builder, Datalist Builder and Userview Builder. This recent enhancement is committed in the latest snapshot of v3 Beta code-base , and will be available in the final release of v3. The Problem In v3 Beta, if we continuously edit and design the forms, data lists and userviews, chances are, we will most likely end up with a couple of tabs opened in the browser; and it could be many. This affects the user experience, navigating between the builders and forms eventually resulted in cluttered tabs. The Solution Now, 3 nifty quick-navigators are placed into Form Builder, Datalist Builder and Uservi...

Joget Workflow Sets a Significant Milestone in China

I've just came back from Shanghai last night, and over the weekend, our first Accredited Partner in China is officially established via strategic collaboration. Rome was not built in a day though, we have been communicating through email conversations since 3 months ago; but the process turns out to be very fruitful! Shanghai Valuprosys Technology (上海维略信息科技), the new certified implementation partner, is a team of open source business solutions provider based in one of the most populous cities of China. A lean startup, SVT's team comprises of project managers, functional consultants and technical developers who are experienced in the ERP and logistics domains. They are also geared with more than 5 years of solution implementation experience with IBM, Oracle and Ultimus products. Stepping into China with significant traction, is one of our goals of this year, and I'm glad we have done it in half a year! Just the right timing with another 2 quarters to get Joget Work...

The Joget House, Silicon Valley, USA

We started our base in the US sometime 9 months ago (the time it takes to conceive a child), and have since been telling ourselves that we need a better place where our Jogetians can come over and stay for several weeks without worrying about hotel bills … a place where they can just code, train, convert adopters, and do the cool things we only read about (like in US cool companies like Google) without breaking the bank account. Now how was that going to be possible? I guess when we found out about how depressed the housing market is and the fact that there are global banks (like HSBC) willing to finance borrowings outside the US, we became very eager to find out how we can work around those two circumstances to let the Joget House happen. After all, we were affording Mike’s rent and the small cubicle in PnP by a whisker! We soon realized that Mike’s and PnP’s rent put together amounted to the mortgage payments, and with that resolved, we started thinking of how to come up with the re...

Why The Application-Centric Design in Joget Workflow v3?

Our previous blog post, Sneak Preview of Joget Workflow v3 , has gotten a lot of attention from Joget Workflow adopters as well as industry watchers in the BPM space. Many people are surprised with the application-centric approach that we are pursuing, but at the same time, the comments and feedbacks we have received have been very encouraging! Why The Application-Centric Design? We have learnt a lot in the 19 months since the public release of v1.0. Based on observing numerous implementations of Joget Workflow, we were able to gather a couple of interesting facts: Process automation is just part of the implementation use case. Most of the time, what a customer actually needs ultimately, is an application. Process automation is just part of the implementation use case. A customer also needs reports in tabular format and the ability to easily export the records . As Joget Workflow's design goal heads towards maximal "simplicity", it doesn't make sense for us not to ad...

What Are We Brewing for Joget Workflow v3?

It's no longer a secret that the Joget Workflow development team is driving the project at full throttle to release version3 Beta. Joget Workflow v3 will mark a very significant milestone: to realize the ultimate goal of Joget Workflow being an application builder . “Why limit your imagination to just process automation, when you can build an app?” Recently, the most frequently asked question among the Joget Workflow community is, " What's new in Joget Workflow v3? " Here's a sneak preview to draw your interest ;) App-Centric In Joget Workflow v3, the design focus is enhanced from process-centric to app-centric. In other words, we no longer confine ourselves to just creating processes; we now create a web application that contains multiple processes ! For example, a CRM application can be made up of Pre-sales Process, Customer Support Process, Lead Management Process, etc. CRUD and Datalist When we talk about building an application, what are the most commonly ne...

Next Stop: PIKOM SME Business Success with ICT Series 2011

Our Joget team will be on the move again, this time to promote Joget Workflow in various locations around Malaysia under PIKOM's SME Business Success with ICT Series 2011 , starting with Sunway Carnical Convention Centre in Seberang Jaya, Penang tomorrow, 2 pm to 5:45 pm. Catch us at 4:45pm when we speak about how you can " Automate Your Business Processes using Open Source Software ". See you there!

Joget Workflow Unveiled to the Emiratis at the MSE 2011 Abu Dhabi

For the second consecutive year, our Joget team joined the MATRADE 's expedition to the Middle East in the Malaysia Services Exhibition 2011. The exhibition was held in Dubai the previous year. Her Highness Sheikha Lubna Bint Khalid Al Qasimi, UAE's Minister of Foreign Trade, together with the Honorable YB Dato Mustapa Mohammed officiated the event at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC). Held under the patronage of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Trade, the exhibition is supported by the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and calls for business comities of Malaysia and UAE to enhance their strategic alliances. MSE 2011 was held alongside Cityscape and Citybuild 2011, one of the region’s largest annual property and construction events. The exhibition hall featured spacious walkways and discussion areas at strategic locations. This is our booth! Clean and clear cut, it typifies the simplicity of Joget Workflow works! Our Business Development VP, George, is seen here talki...

Catch Us at BarCamp Penang 2011

Catch us at BarCamp Penang 2011 that will be held this coming Saturday, 14 May 2011 in KDU College, Penang . Just in case that if you are not quite sure what BarCamp is, here's the quote from Wikipedia . BarCamp is an international network of user-generated conferences (or unconferences). They are open, participatory workshop-events, whose content is provided by participants. The first BarCamps focused on early-stage web applications, and were related to open source technologies, social protocols, and open data formats. The format has also been used for a variety of other topics, including public transit, health care, and political organizing. In short, the idea of BarCamp is on sharing knowledge and engaging people of the common interests. This time around, we are going to talk about on how to build a full-fledged workflow application on top of your current WordPress copy in just under 30 minutes . Come and join us there if you are around Penang at that time folks! It...

We Came, We Saw, We Hacked

It was a gorgeous Saturday afternoon in the Bay Area. Spring was finally here (well actually in the Bay Area, spring comes and goes when it feels like it. Kinda like a case of relatives you don't really like coming over when you least expect it) but in this case, spring was actually here. Not a cloud in the sky, warm weather, nice cool breeze and the occasional concussion when you get in the way of someone playing fetch with their dog. Given the setting, I was honestly a little apprehensive approaching our hackathon in Stanford. It just seemed like a day that was usually spent on the sand with a beach ball and not a lot of clothes. Considering that we're entering a community of mostly students, I fully expected to step into the venue with a bare handful of attendees plonked in the middle of a bunch of snoring frat guys hung over from the night before. In any case, pushing those thoughts aside, the first thing I did was.... ...get lost. Seriously. They either change the ...

Integrate Joget Workflow with Gmail, Google Docs and Google Calendar

Joget Workflow developers are committing full force into the development of Joget Workflow v3.0, with the vision of building a full-fledge workflow application builder that will redefine simplicity in software development. However, at the same time, our team is also committing enthusiasm into community engagement, to promote Joget Workflow into other strong geeky Web developer communities, by bringing down the barrier for Joget Workflow adoption. Within less than 2 months, we have released a set of plugins for WordPress integration , Drupal integration , and now ... Google Apps integration ! Google Mail (Gmail) Plugin : send email messages within a process via Gmail's SMTP server Google Calendar Plugin : create or schedule Google Calendar event within a process Google Docs Plugin : upload documents to Google Docs within a process Thanks to the plugin-driven architecture that is powering Joget Workflow, it is so much easier for us to develop integration points with oth...

We Are Going to Abu Dhabi

You got it right. We will be showcasing Joget Workflow in Abu Dhabi in just a couple weeks of time at Malaysia Services Exhibition 2011 (MSE2011) from 17 to 20 April 2011 . Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. This would mark our second time participating in the Malaysia Services Exhibition organized by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade). It was held at Dubai last year. This time around, the exhibition will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ANDEC), Abu Dhabi, U.A.E . For more information about the show, you may check out MSE 2011 presentation slides . Pre-departure briefing We will be located at booth A-15 in Hall 10 . Be sure to catch us there!

Anyong-haseyo 안녕하세요 - Joget Workflow Speaks Korean and Has RTL Support too

Yes! Joget Workflow speaks Korean, and quite fluently to date, and we're saying so because we've already achieved 99% completion of the language translation by community effort at . Here is the introduction to Joget Workflow in Korean language  (오픈 소스 워크플로우 애플리케이션 빌더 - 도입부). Of course, there are many other language translations being actively worked out by our ever-growing community of translators. Indonesian , Spanish and Thai are among the more popular ones. Let's look at Hangeul 한글 in action and what Joget Workflow looks like in the Korean native alphabet. Joget Workflow in Korean RTL Language Support Do you know that apart from the usual LTR languages, Joget Workflow is packed with RTL language (such as Arabic) support as well? And switching to RTL mode can be done easily in the management console, as shown below. Switching to RTL support and system locale is just a click away Come and join us in making Joget Workflow the w...

Joget Workflow on FLOSS Weekly Interview

It has been 17 months since the first public release of Joget Workflow (back in Oct 2009), started with just 19 downloads recorded in the first month. Today, with the support from worldwide adopters, we are grateful to be listed by Momentum Index as one of the top 96 open source software companies . This reflects a strong early proof of traction for Joget Workflow. FLOSS Weekly 15 hours ago, we were on live telly, interviewed by TWiT's FLOOS Weekly. You can listen or watch the podcast here . The session was hosted by Randal Schwartz and Aaron Newcomb . Our CEO in the Valley - Michael Yap, was taking lead responding to the interview questions, and I was more of a backbencher haha. Even though this is not the first time for us to be interviewed on Joget Workflow project, but we have been very much looking forward to this, as the FLOSS Weekly program objective and audiences fit perfectly into the model of our software -- free, libre, open source ! The interview was casted at...

What's New in Joget Workflow v2?

Not just sleek and cool looking Web 2.0 UI; the navigation design is also further improved in Joget Workflow v2 to enhance user experience. New Facelift Well-organized drop-down menu, breadcrumb navigation, form browsing by category, and process thumbnail image are some of the usability enhancements introduced in Joget Workflow v2. Open source software doesn't have to look unappealing. Userview - Everyone Can Create an Application System Ever wish for the processes you deploy in Joget Workflow to have a front-end web application system? A leave application system for the leave application process, a travel management system for the flight reservation process and staff recruitment system for the recruitment process. Now, with Joget Workflow v2, we are able to configure (not develop) a front-end application, known as userview, for each process just by clicking and typing to customize the userview application front-end. So, in addition to performing a workflow task from Workflow Man...

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